Tin Can Alley – The 1970’s Rifle Shooting Game

Tin Can AlleyReleased in 1976, Tin Can Alley was possibly the most American toy ever made. Endorsed by the Rifleman Chuck Connors, the toy bought a little bit of the wild west right into your home.

Tin Can Alley looked like a real-life replica of a rickety fence with some cans of Dr. Pepper perched precariously on top. The aim was to use the battery-heavy supplied rifle to fire off light beams at the sensor pads. Each can had its own sensor pad located beneath it, so you would actually aim below the can. Every time you managed to hit a target, the can above would shoot off the fence, making you feel instantly like a real cowboy.

Thanks to the great appeal of Tin Can Alley, especially among young boys, numerous copy-cat games would follow. Shoot Out In Space, Marksmen and Electro Shooting Gallery were just a few that would jump on the Tin Can Alley success.

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