Monster Face

Monster FaceMonster Face was a toy set released by Hasbro in 1992. The face is in the style of a large Mr. Potato Head, with numerous parts you could attach to the holes in the face.

Accessories such as bugs, fangs, ears, teeth, slime and blisters were included, with 30 different pieces in total. Part of the fun of Monster Face was using the levers at the base of the head to animate the face. This allowed you to move the eyes and jaw. Also found at the base was a small air pump, this allowed you to inflate blisters.


While Monster Face was never as popular as Mr. Potaoto Head, it did allow you to create nightmarish faces that you could scare your friends with. The animatronics also gave it a whole different dimension, add to that some slime and some weeping blisters and you truly had the stuff of nightmares.

Monster Face Game

In 1994, just two years after the release of Monster Face, the toy was released again. This time it was released under the name Goosebumps: Monster Head Maker. Jumping on the success of the R.L. Stine books that were incredibly popular at that time.

Goosebumps Monster Head Maker

Apart from a few variations such as a purple base (the original was black), the two sets are almost identical. Where the two did differ however was that the Monster Head Maker instructions showed you how to create faces similar to monsters in the Goosebumps books.

As you can see on the box, it states that you can create four characters from the books. This was done by using sculpting clay and other accessories not available in Monster Face such as the Mummy Wrap.

Monster Head Maker Box

Monster Face Commercial

Those with good memories might even remember the Hasbro commercial for Monster Face. It was shown on TV fairly regularly throughout 1992.

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