
If you had a normal frisbee, you probably looked at those with an Aerobie Pro with envy! Those who owned it as a child would brag about how far it could go. ...

While the boys were busying playing with He-Man and Skeletor or dreaming of becoming the newest member of the Thundercats, the little girls of the 80's (in the ...

The 2-XL Robot was a educational tape-playing toy robot that was first released in the 1978 and produced until 1981. The first version was produced by Mego ...

The Rubik's Clock is a mechanical puzzle that was invented and patented by Christopher Wiggs and Christopher Taylor. However, it was the Hungarian Erno Rubik ...

Visionaries: Knights Of The Magical Light was a line of action figures released in 1987, the toys tied in with the animated TV show and comics. ...

Thundercats toys are a toy-line based on the animated TV show created by Tobin Wolf in 1985. The Thundercats were one of the most popular animated TV shows and ...

Rock Lords toys were a spin-off toy line to the GoBots, released in 1986 after the movie GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords. The transforming rocks came with ...

The 1st series of Bravestarr Toys were released in 1986 and based on the cartoon of the same name. The toys actually ended up hitting the market a whole year ...

Mini Boglins were produced by Ideal from 1991 to 1994, the little brother of Boglins, they were sold in packs of 5, 10 or 20. Each character in the series also ...

During the 1980's horror movies such as Critters and Gremlins were hug! Mattel decided to capitalize on this by releasing their own vicious little monsters ...

255 Computer Command was a replica 1980 Corvette that you could program using the series of buttons you could find under the bonnet/hood. It was first released ...

Nothing But Nostalgia